Monday, February 2, 2009

Queen Aggravain

For the past three weeks, Katie has been in the play "Once Upon a Mattress" at the San Luis Obispo Little Theatre. It is an adaptation of "The Princess and The Pea" and she played the Queen (of course!) who wanted nothing to do with her son getting married.
(Side note, I had tears of pride welling in my eyes the whole time...and it was a comedy!)
She had one of the lead roles and even had her own solo song. She is an amazing actress and a great singer!
We could not have been more proud!
The Beautiful Queen!

The Queen and her son

Gee, I wonder who Katie looks like!

Aunt Linda


The Loughran's said...

I can't believe how good she was!! I loved that play :)

DeDe Weeks said...

I was trying to find Katie in the cast picture. I couldn't find her; then I looked up about a foot higher than the other heads and there she was! :) She made the perfect queen, I agree. Nice pictures.